WTFork (What the Fork) is a theoretical installation at the University of Washington that has the mission of minimizing the use of single-use plastics by having larger than life scale utensils!
The posters are designed to alarm bypassers with enviornmental statistics and make them reconsider adding another plastic utensil into the ecosystem.
One set of posters has entertaining phrases that pop out at the viewer, while the other set shows real statistics on a pile of plastics while still playing into the tone.

The physically displayed utensils stand at 12 feet tall and are made of galvanized steel with a white powder coat. Alongside them are the name of the project through a social media sort of lens; #WTFork.
Featured on the end of each utensil is a giant QR code that takes them to the website. This easily pops out when taking a picture, even if viewed from afar. Making the spectator look into it further.

It is easy to get to the website through the QR code. Easily noticeable on the giant installation, making it even easier to be informed.
The website reveals statistics about single-use plastics along with the proper credible sources to learn more.